Working on the Forest Garden
Marie putting mulch material down on top of the layers of cardboard between the trees and shrubs ... |
Spreading out the mulch - nettles, grass ferns etc that had been cut in the orchard .... |
Taking sellope and staples off the cardboard used to mulch the forest garden .... |
Saving seeds from the garden
They harvested rocket, chard, radish and cabbage seeds from the garden ..... |
Marie helping to dismantle the scaffolding ... |
Applying an external lime render .... |
Mika sieving earth to be used in the external lime render mix for the house ...... |
They quickly got the hang of lighting the outdoor woodstove and cooked jam with fruit harvested from the land and made delicious meals on it ....
They harvested plums .... |
and elderberries .... |
.... and learned how to make jam ... |
They learned how to make sourdough bread ........ |
The girls at leisure
The adapted well to the 'chantier' conditions - they made a makeshift sofa and watched a film on my laptop ......... |
They created a comforable space on the earth floor and played cards ...... |
Reading on the pallet bench in the garden .... Marie is thinking about training in cabinet making so had a look at one of the woodwork books from the library here .................... |