Monday, 2 January 2017

Late November/December jobs

Louise and Rosie's last week ... and the arrival of Betty - an English Workaway volunteer who has time between her work at festivals to explore permaculture projects;

Louise helped me to collect woodchip
which we used to top up the paths
in the round garden and to replace
the degraded woodchip in the
grey water pit.

Taking manure to put on the fruit
and vegetable beds ready for
Spring planting.

Both Louise and Betty did a great job helping
me to line the roofspace with wood.

Betty helped to propagate the willow
beds - to be used for basket making
and sculptures ... we harvested some of last
year's willow, cut them into
batons and replanted them through
cardboard (which will kill off the
weed competition).

Making holes in the cardboard.

Pushing through the willow batons.

Cutting some more batons from last year's willow.

Great - lots more willow for next
year.  Just need to find time to make
some baskets now!!!

Betty helped to finish off the earth
render at the bottom of one of
the walls in the house.

Good job!!!