Tuesday, 15 November 2016

The SEL Avranches - Local Economic Trading System (LETS)

A couple of ladies from the SEL (the French equivalant of the UK Local Economic Trading System) came today to collect surplus apples and pears from the land here.  This has earned me some points (fleurs de sel) that I can use for goods or services advertised by other members of the organisation.  I am also offering English lessons to gain some points that I am currently using for another lady to make some curtains for the house here.  So far so good.

They came to say hello while we we were harvesting pumpkins
from the 'Three Sisters Garden'

Posing with pumpkins!!  A few ancient
varieties from the Biaugerme catalogue-
potiron Red Kuri, Green Hokaido and
some spaghetti squash.

Workaway volunteer Anna joins us ....

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